Many must be thinking a PR agency means - buying ads-writing stories for reporters-putting up billboards-coming up with catchy phrases to make people buy more products et al. But no, maintaining public relation does not means adhering to these above mentioned way, its altogether a different story.
So how does a PR agency channelize?
Unlike an advertising agency a PR agency promote companies or individuals through editorial coverage. Also called free media, the work includes more of publicity via- stories appearing on websites, TV programs, magazines, newspaper etc. They try earning a reputation for their client through as much media coverage as possible. As opposed to advertisement or paid media, in which a sum is required to be paid for every segment of ads that circulates, a PR's work revolves more around the publicity, either through word of mouth, events or editorial coverage. The client is not liable to make payments at every stage of publication; he is rather more concerned about the promotion propaganda, the exposure that his PR lastly achieves for him, which definitely is not an easy business. The PR has to incessantly strive hard to come up with ways to feature his clients in every possible news and make him famous in the literal sense.
In short a PR will- "Anticipating, analyzing and interpreting public opinion, attitudes and issues that might impact, for good or ill, the operations and plans of the organization".
As a firm or individual you are thus expected to hire the best PR agency for this purpose. Those who really aims to protect, enhance or build a reputation should really seek the best PR house. Irrespective of the budget, he should stress more on the fact that the amount that he spends is actually bringing home the result. Mostly observed, the best PR agency stands high in the PR order of hierarchy on the sheer basis of their capability and past work record! This is help enough to understand the prospective PR agency in town.
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